Flickr plugin for CKEditor 3

I´ve been a fan of the FCKeditor for quite a while, and I was thrilled when the team launched their new and improved version named CKEditor back in 2007 (i believe it was). The thing is that basically everthing has been rewritten, so re-using your old plugins with the new version was not an option.

I never really got around to dig into the new plugin engine until just last week. I was starting to miss my old Flickr plugin, that I wrote for FCKeditor, and so now I finally pulled my self together and rewrote it for the CKEditor.



Before you download you should be avare of the pre-requirements. Aside from the obviouse, that you should have a Flickr account, you should also have an API key. Head over to your Account and click the " Sharing & Extending"-tab. From there you should find a link on how to get a hold of your API key.

To make the plugin work with your account, I´ve simply added three variables, that you should fill out with your account-details.

Replace the with your actual details in the file /ckeditor/plugins/flickr/controller.php.

$apiKey   = '<Add your API Key here>';
$userId   = '<Add your user ID here>';
$baseUrl  = '<Add URL to your profile including trailing slash>'; //eg.

Voila, you are all done — Click the new Flickr icon in the toolbar to start using it.


If you have simply just copied/moved the flickr-plugin folder from my demo-file, you will want to add the following line to your current configuration:

config.extraPlugins    = 'flickr';

As well as adding [‘Flickr’] to your current toolbar configuration
